Team Rocket



Division of

Jon-Pod Inc.


Featured Products

Pokémon cARDS - sINGLES

Pokémon cARDS - Japanese

bULK Pokémon Cards


Pre-Owened Memorabilia

Video Games

Exclusive Services

Ordering japanese booster boxes

$ Pricing Based on Set - contact for pricing

Want to Pre-order the newest set. Get your hands on those beautiful cards before any else does and the English set drops. Be at the forefront of the Pokémon card industry and order your booster boxes today!

Ordering ENglish booster boxes

$ Pricing Based on Set - contact for pricing

Tired of standing in the cold waiting in line for the newest set. Setting your alarm at the break of dawn to run down to your local card shop just to turn away empty handed. Let us rectify that for you, let us do the leg work for you. Order your booster boxes here today!

Pokémon PACKS English & Japanese

$ Pricing Based on Set - contact for pricing

Don’t want an entire box of cards, no problem, Team Rocket Leader has you covered. Order your individual packs here today.

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